Thursday, June 15, 2006

Kinda very, VERY pissed

I read something today that made me mad.

You see, Hughes -Ivy's brother- is a college professor. He is also a newspaper columnist. He usually writes about Economics in Kzanderallia. I must admit, the guy is very clever and he writes really good. He can make something as complex as economics into something an ordinary ignoramus as me can actually understand.

Well, on his latest column, he didn't write about his usual topic, but instead chose to dedicate his whole column to talk about the death of one of his students. He expressed the shock and pain such news inflicted on him and those who knew the dead guy.

That's all fine and good. But you know what? When Ivy died, he didn't even write a sentence about her.

Each of us handles pain our own way, sure. And he is entitled to write about whatever he pleases. But it seems unfair! She wasn't just anybody! She was his SISTER. And even though she got pages and pages of obituaries, it's not the same as a few loving words from her big brother. And she got none.

It makes me so angry. It also makes me sad. But, as so many things in life, I can't do a thing about it but vent here. So I have.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kz, that sucks. I'd like to think that maybe he just didn't have it in him to write about his sister - maybe expressing his grief under the veil of a different tragedy was easier for him.