Thursday, June 15, 2006

Bipolarity and you

It would seem that everything points to me having a bipolar disorder. After long, endless days of pain and suffering, I woke up today feeling just right. More than just right. I was almost bursting with joy. I was so happy all day, it was almost scary. Jumping all over the place, talking fast and excitedly... I was like a madman.

And the best thing about being a maniac is that NOTHING can get you down. When you're depressive, even the most miniscule detail can crush your soul and make you sink even deeper in the depths of sadness. But when you are on the upside, your car could get stolen and you'd go 'Aw, shucks. Well, at least I still got my health!'

I caught myself making plans to learn Portuguese, German and French. And I want to travel a lot while I still can. Can this be the same guy who was a bottomless pit of gloom just a few days ago?


Anonymous said...

Hi KZ. Tiffany here from Worth (AKA, tlovesd).

I think I have bipolar disease too. I was reading up on it and I guess one of the systoms is going from one extreme emotion to the other. Like you described here.

I think my fiance is in denial about it. I don't know why. He knows I'm mental just as much as I do! :-)

I haven't seen you around Worth all that much so I wanted to check out your blog. Someone brough up the thread that Braden started in June about members blog spots. I'm thinking I might start one too.

Well, see you around.


Xander said...

You know, If you feel you might be bipolar, you should really get that checked out. Make sure you take arsi along. He can get you cheaper meds. The unpleasant thing is that he keeps them inside his bunny suit.