Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Let's get blogging, people!!!

Yeah, I've slacked off quite a bit. Last post was back on May 28th!!
It’s not that things worthy of being mentioned haven’t happened.
The thing is that I’m still not used to blogging, so I haven’t made the time to sit down, order my thoughts and blog.
That isn’t nearly as easy as it sounds.

Several days, I’ve told myself, “Today, I’ll blog!!”
But then, I end up doing other stuff (web surfing, checking my mail, talking to my girlfriend, etc.)
By the time I decide to blog, I’m way too tired, and then I just go and plop down on the bed and snore away.

But not today. Today, I’ve got a zillion things to blog about. Just have to get my ideas together in my head.
I dunno how other bloggers do it. Some people have Bible-like blogs, with tons and tons of material each day. I admire their discipline. And the way they can reach inside and pull out great pieces of blog.
Wait. “Pieces of blog”??  That doesn’t sound right!
But you know what I mean. These people blog their hearts out.

You gotta respect that.

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