Monday, June 28, 2004

I spy with my little pink eye...

Today, as I woke up, I felt overcome by a light itch in my right eye. I rubbed my finger carelessly against the eyelid, and this simple action triggered a nuclear-size itch which made me rub my eye harder and harder until it started to cry. As my eye was filling up with water, I knew this was no normal itch.

Something was definitely wrong with my eye.

I ran to the bathroom in a frenzy. But there, a furiously bloody sphere was looking at me. Took me a couple of seconds to realise that I was, in fact, staring at my own eye. Yep, it was no pretty sight. The whole white portion was now a beautiful crimson. It was all evil-like, very cool. Too bad the burning and itching made it unbearable.

The way I figure it, this morning I had some dust particle in my eye which was causing the initial itch. When I scratched, I just made everything worse.

In the end, my mom got me some drops, but they made my vision get all blurry.

Since I couldn’t read, drive or use a computer, I was spared from my Lexcorp labours for the whole day.

Who says having pinkeye was a bad thing?

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