Sunday, July 01, 2007

Movie night!!

My sister flew into town today, and she brought along two DVDs for me: UHF and Network. Both filled me up with joy, since they're very hard to get.

I decided to see them both right away.

I'd seen UHF before, maybe a couple of years after it came out (1989), so it was more like revisiting a weird amusement park you haven't been to in more than 15 years. Weird Al Yankovich is a genius. Too bad he changed his look. I totally loved it.

I'd never seen Network, though, and I'd been wanting to get it for a while. I'd heard rave reviews and read about the significance of the film (it features the famous line: "I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore!!"). Network envisioned television execs thirsty for ratings and willing to put anything on screen just to get people to watch. And this was 20 years before reality television came along. The film also mentions people who haven't picked up a book in years, yet don't miss a single broadcast of their favorite show.

Sadly, that's truer now than ever.

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