Saturday, August 26, 2006

Motherly concerns

The other day, I was talking to my mom. She thinks I should save up some money, set up a retirement fund, etc. She is thinking about my future, but it feels like she is just trying to run my life.

I can't blame her for wanting me to succeed. After all, I'm her son, and (most) parents want their children to be happy. And what could be more joyous than financial security?

Of course, it's not difficult to envision ulterior motives to her actions. Think about it: if I'm broke, how will I ever take care of her when she's an old lady? And, if I am a broke loser, no woman will ever want to hook up with me. And if no woman hooks up with me, she'll never have any grandchildren. And she really, really wants some grandkids.

You better sit down for that last one, Mom... it seems it's gonna take a while.

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