Wednesday, February 07, 2007

My uncle, the heckler

My uncle makes me so angry sometimes, because he's a heckler. He likes to interrupt people with comments and jokes which often make the other person lose his/her concentration and sometimes, even his/her temper. It’s funny to watch because my uncle has a very sharp wit. Of course, it's not so funny when you're the butt of the joke.

My uncle's behaviour used to make my dad very angry, and still makes my mom very tense. I mean, trying to tell a story is hard enough without people cutting in and poking fun at your delivery.

He just burned me yesterday. I was telling folks about Invader Zim and I stuttered, and that was my downfall. He was onto me like flies on honey. Afterwards, I was red to my face, and it got me really pissed off at him. Then I got mad at my mom, for allowing this sort of thing to happen. Finally, I got mad at myself for saying stuff without thinking first. With a heckler in the house, you really gotta be on your toes, and I wasn't, so I left myself wide open to be tackled.

But, you know what? We need hecklers like him, to remind us that the world outside isn’t cozy and nice. People want to cut you down for reasons unforeseen and unknown. You have to be ready. Look what happened to Michael Richards when he caved under the pressure. It wasn’t pretty.

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