Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Thank you Andrew

This was a Halloween like no other. I went out with a few colleagues from Culture Publishing House. I had a few issues to deal with, so hit the bottle way too fast. Less than an hour later, I was drunk. Not too drunk, but I decided to call it quits anyways. However, I didn't want to spend the remainder of the evening at home. I started calling up people and the only one who seemed promising was Drew, one of my coworkers at Lexcorp. She (yes, it's a she) is very nice and stuff, but she's a devout Christian, so I knew that there wouldn't be any frolicking involved. But that didn't bother me. I needed to talk to somebody, and she's a great listener.

We met at a local pizza place. I showed her my Latin American drug kingpin costume and she had a good laugh with it. But mainly, we talked. And boy, I needed that. To talk with somebody who wasn't related to me and who'd listen.

I had a really great time. Sometimes I wonder if Drew and I... Hey, who knows?

Time will tell.

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