Friday, November 03, 2006

Good buzz on board

I am totally pumped right now. I have to do a million things tomorrow. I may have to give up sleeping for the next four days. Might as well. I've slacked off too much. The funny thing is... I'm feeling really good.

Dunno why. I just do.

Take my birthday, for instance. A while back, I was bitching about it. But now I find myself feeling totally positive about turning 30 and starting to make all the preparations for the nice soirée me and a few friends will be having on that joyous occasion.

Talk about a 180º turn, huh?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I turned 30 earlier this year, and you know what? Outside of a few people calling me "ma'am", twasn't so bad. :)

Enjoy the party, Kz.