Sunday, April 16, 2006

Babies light up a place

Yesterday, some of my sister's friends dropped by. They're a married couple who live in El Salvador, and yet they didn't mind driving all the way to Kzanderallia just to see my sis. Now that's what I call friendship!!

Anyways, they brought their eight-month baby along. He is huge! And sooo cute!! Well, he was the star of the show. Everybody wanted to cuddle him and pat him and make funny noises for him.

You should've seen my grandma. She just loves babies. She picked him up and sat him in her lap. She seemed like 15 years younger!

That's one thing about my house... there's no babies. My sister Abby is the youngest, and she is 24. So it is a very grown up environment. Quiet, peaceful... maybe too much so.

That stinging sensation

It tears me up, you know? The fact that my granny, my mom, my sis... everybody seems to yearn for a kid running around, giving everybody heck. And yet, babies are nowhere in the picture right now. Because of her chemo and many operations, Abby will probably never have kids of her own. Luann isn't even looking for a boyfriend right now because of her hectic lifestyle.

And that leaves me. I was ready to fulfill my duties and get some babies made. If everything went well, we would've had ourselves a baby in less than a year's time. But fate had other plans. And now, I'm back to square one. Even if I met somebody tomorrow, it'll probably be three years (at least) till a baby roams around these parts.


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