Sunday, March 05, 2006

Movie of the week

Have you seen it?

Moonlight Mile is the story of a guy -Joe- whose fiance dies a little while before the wedding, and about his relationship with his parents-in-law, the Floss's.

It was really moving, for it explored a lot of themes I've experienced firsthand as of late:
  • How a person's sudden death can leave behind a gaping abyss in so many different lives at the very same time.
  • How everything, EVERYTHING reminds you of her.
  • How people find themselves with nothing to say but clichĂ©s to you to help ease your burden.
  • How pathetic it is to be the guy with the dead fiancĂ©.
  • How your in-laws pleed with you not to fade away, not to dissappear from their lives, since you are the only thing they have left of their daughter.
  • How you love them, and how you want to give them whatever they ask of you, even if it happens to be an emotionally excruciating task.
  • How guilty you feel to actually start looking again for somebody to fill up your heart. Guilty, because you feel like you are erasing your last love from your life after all she did for you.
But Moonlight Mile ends on a positive note. Joe finds Bertie, a kindred spirit, and they head together towards the horizon.

So there you have it. All I have to do is find my Bertie and I'll be set.

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