Monday, October 04, 2004


A few days ago I reached the top ‘user status’ rank: Baby Buggy Bumper. What this means is that I have made over 3200 comments in the forums. I like to think of myself as an ‘active forum participant with a noted inclination towards frequent written participation and with a focus on the enrichment of the thematic pool’.
Arsi has a word for this: BLABBERMOUTH.  

Who’s talkative?

It was never my intent to become a ‘Baby Buggy Bumper’. I just saw a lot of opportunites for commenting in the forums, and went ahead and did it. That’s all. However, the comments started piling up over time, and here we are.

But this rank can give people the wrong idea about me. Just because I’ve posted 3200 times in 16 months, it doesn’t mean I talk a lot. I just talk often. There is a diference.

Most of my comments are short, which is no wonder when you take my famed impatience into account. If you bundled them together, I don’t think all my comments would amount to more than three full pages of text. Need more proof? Take a good look at the blog you’re reading. Large type makes up for the fact that I don’t write that much! When you compare this blog to Cyn’s or hbomb’s, you can easily see that they have more words in just one page than I do in my whole blog!!

However... 3200 comments in little more than a year...

Oh, what the heck: I guess I do talk a lot.

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