Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Cut off!!

A few days ago, the phone went out. We had it coming. It had made a strange noise for a while, and then,  one day it just went out. We’ve called the phone company, but it will be a while.

This means my dial-up internet connection is gone as well. I feel totally isolated. Well, I still have my cell phone, and my mom lent hers to my granny. So we are still semi-connected.

But... I want my Internet!!

Luckily, there are choices. My parents have a cable connection, and so does my girlfriend. There is the occasional internet cafe or the campus lab. But nothing beats being able to hook up at midnight to look at some dirty slu....uhm, I mean... to check up Merriam-Webster.com for new words to add to my vocabulary. Yes, that’s what I always do with my online time. Always.

Can’t live without that Webster.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't live without that Webster either.