Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Poor Jessica Alba

She's had a rough patch this year.

First, they dyed her beautiful hair and gave her contacts to try to turn a Latina sexual goddess into a... second rate blond wannabe? I'm talking about the Fantastic Four franchise movie, of course. I mean, if they wanted a blond actress with blue eyes, was it so hard to get one? I'm pretty sure there's a few girls like that. But if they decided to cast Alba as Sue Storm, why not make Sue into a hot Latina? I mean, Jess is a gorgeous girl who's been asked to look like a fake Barbie. The look is so abhorrent that it's almost impossible to focus on anything else but on how unnatural she looks.

Then GQ stepped in. I didn't think you could make a smoldering babe like Jessica Alba look anything but sexy, but photographer Terry Richardson proved me wrong.

First he tried making her hump a stuffed dog.

When that failed to produce the intended result, he made eat a rose like a horse.

And just to make sure he got it right, he made her look mentally challenged, her face devoid of any expression while water drooled out of her mouth.

Mission accomplished!!

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