Tuesday, May 11, 2004

When being hot ain't cool

I forgot leaving the fan on last night before I went to sleep.


I awoke at about 3:30 AM feeling as if I were in the inside of a furnace. It seems that my room has thermic qualities that trap heat within all day long, only to release it at nighttime. Lovely.

Of course, I couldn't get any Z's after that. So I got up, turned the computer on, surfed a little and finally decided to post in here.

Haven't decided if I'll be blogging every day, or every other day. Still have to get the routines down.

One thing about the blogging experience: it helps you take a better grip on life. You have to pay more attention to your thoughts and experiences if you want to be able to have something to write about.

Now, if I could make it all interesting, I'd be set!

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