Tuesday, May 18, 2004

The day the music died

I just realized something.

About 12 posts ago (Ooops, make that 14), I promised I'd be posting whatever song I was listening to at the moment of the post.

But, guess what?? I forgot to do it. Then, two entries later, I remembered.
Then I forgot again.

Listen. My mind is already way working overtime dealing with important stuff like:

-thinking of stuff to write on my blog
-editing the posts
-checking my blog to see if anybody has written any comments (which i wouldn't need to do if I was using Blogger's comment system, as Galoot recommended).

If I were to do all that AND still try to remember to post the current song on my iTunes, I'd probably blow a fuse.

To the millions of fans out there who were just dying to find out what song charms my ears while I post: SORRY. You will have to find a way to live out your lives without having such crucial information at your disposal.

It'll be hard, I know.

But you must.